History Tour Seelisberg Association

We are a non-profit organisation staffed by volunteers deeply committed to the realisation and operation of the history tour.



Association board

Erich Amstad

Beat Aschwanden (cashier)

Ursi Aschwanden (actuary)

André Hafner (local community)

Angela Schori (president)



Paul Dubacher, Erich Herger, Josef Schuler

Concept and design

Kilian T. Elsasser (Museumsfabrik Luzern)

Daniel Simmen (undProduktionen Gestaltungsatelier GmbH Zürich)



Verein "Geschichtsreise Seelisberg"

c/o Beat Aschwanden

Hofstattstrasse 9

6377 Seelisberg


Mail info@geschichtsreise-seelisberg.ch

IBAN CH89 0078 5001 4473 9156 5

New members welcome!


Individual membership   CHF   50 a year

Companies                     CHF 200 a year